CA View - What are the RACF requirements for the SARSTC started task?
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CA View - What are the RACF requirements for the SARSTC started task?


Article ID: 218302


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We are moving to new, more locked-down owner IDs for our View SARSTC started tasks. 

What are the requirements for the RACF rules for the STCs?

Where can these be found in the View documentation?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


The SARSTC started task uses the SAPI interface to collect and delete SYSOUTs and JESDS that meet the request criteria of CA View, for data from the JES spool. 

SARSTC requires the appropriate access level to the JES spool's security profiles to perform these actions.

To have access to the JES spool, SARSTC would be defined as a "trusted" STC. 

For the SARSTC SAPI collector, the JESSPOOL profile controls access. 

CA View requires UPDATE authority to:

 . Access the database to save user profile information, such as last access date, current access mode.
 . Retain access information, such as the last time the report was browsed.
 . If the SARINIT EXPRESS parameter specifies a corresponding CA Deliver database, CA View users will need READ authority for the CA Deliver database.

Here is a URL for the View 14.0 External Security section, including references to RACF: