Installing multiple OS agents on same Server
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Installing multiple OS agents on same Server


Article ID: 218296


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


This article addresses the following questions:

  • Is it possible to install 2 Automic agents on same machine ( Windows or Linux) ?
  • What settings need to be updated in order to do so?
  • Are there considerations that need to be made when running more than one agent on a server and connecting each agent to a different Automic system?
  • Can the agents be different versions?



Release : 12.3



You can install Multiple agents on same machines.  The best practice is to install each agent into its own folder, but that is not necessary.  It also does not matter if the agents are different versions.  Each agent does need its own ini file.  The following settings may need to be considered:

  Multiple smgr Same smgr Multiple Automic systems Same Automic system
Ini file to update        
port= change No update    
AGENT INI        
name=     Depends on Automic system* Different
system=     Depends on Automic system** Same
cp= (12.x and below)     Different Same
connection= (21.0)     Different Same
port=     Different Different
[AUTHORIZATION] (21.0)     Might be different, depends on Automic system*** Same

* All agents on a single Automic system must have unique names for that system
** Each system could have the same name, the system= setting must match the system the agent is connecting to
*** If the Automic systems are on the same server, the same certificate could be used; if a SAN is used with a wildcard, the same certification might be able to be used as well

There was also some discussion related to this in communities. Please find the links below.