Not able to migrate the cluster wide properties and other configurations gateway policy plugin from gateway 9.4 to gateway 10
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Not able to migrate the cluster wide properties and other configurations gateway policy plugin from gateway 9.4 to gateway 10


Article ID: 218239


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


While migrating  a folder from gateway 9.4 to gateway 10 using policy plugin, Services are getting migrated but cluster wide properties and JDBC connections which are required for the same are not migrated.

We are using the example in the doc to have different settings depending of the environment .


Release : 10.0

Component : API GATEWAY


If you follow the instruction the  test environment is working but if you specify production the jdbc definition is not created in the bundle 

gradle.bat build-environment-bundle -P environmentType=production

There is a typo in the example :

project.ext.set ("productionEnvironmentInfo", ['PASSWORD.pets-db-password': 'xxxxxxxxxxx', "ENV.JDBC_CONNECTION.pets-db": "{\n" +

should be

project.ext.set ("productionEnvironmentInfo", ['PASSWORD.pets-db-password': 'xxxxxxxxxxxI', "JDBC_CONNECTION.pets-db": "{\n" +

The setting ENV.JDBC_CONNECTION is intended for docker based container gateway's see :