What do the Software Distribution Status Codes Mean?
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What do the Software Distribution Status Codes Mean?


Article ID: 218181


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


Can you provide a description for the Software Distribution Status codes?


Release: 8.5, 8.6



Client Status

Code Description
Invalid Package 1 Package is unavailable on client
Downloading 4 Downloading
Pending 8 Maintenance window is not open. Waiting till it will be processed
Retrying Download 16 Retrying Download
Download Required 32 Downloading
Installed 128 Installed by Software Update Plug-in
Installed by User 256 Installed manually by user
Failed 512 Failed to apply with maximum number of retry attempts
Failed (Rescheduled) 1024 Failed to install and was rescheduled for another try
Not Applicable 2048 Not applicable for current computer based on results of assessment scan.
Scheduled 4098 Update is downloaded and scheduled for deployment
Superseded 8192 Superseded by another update delivered to the agent
Installation in Progress 16384 Installation of agent has started
Verification 32768 Checking status after package execution
Restart Pending 65536 Update requires restart to finish deployment of new files
Installed with Errors 131072 Update installed new files, but returns non-success code during deployment