Symantec Management Agent Support for Mac machines with the M1 chip built in
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Symantec Management Agent Support for Mac machines with the M1 chip built in


Article ID: 218102


Updated On: 06-05-2024


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


With the release of Mac OS 11 Big Sur and changes in architecture for Mac machines, does the Symantec Management Agent supports Apple M1 processors?


ITMS 8.5, 8.6


Regarding your question, first, Mac OS 11 Big Sur is supported in version 8.5 RU4 and 8.6. See macOS 11 (Big Sur) Support Statement.

Do we support Mac OS 11 Big Sur with the M1 chip built-in?
M1 hardware is not supported by the currently available versions of ITMS (8.5 RU4 and 8.6) and work is in progress to support it starting from 8.6 RU1. See Support Matrix to see what is currently supported.


Regarding the newly released Apple M1 Pro and M1 Max chipsets, do we support those versions?
Based on the available information chipset architecture remains the same in M1 Pro/Max - hence ITMS 8.6 RU1 should work there.