After upgrading Information Centric Analytics (ICA), the database, utilities, and application versions displayed both in the portal and stored in the table RiskFabric.dbo.Versions are not updated to reflect the new product version. Step 24 (Update DB Utility Versions) of the RiskFabric Processing job may also fail and return the following error in both the TaskRunner log and the job history in SQL Log Viewer:
[1:ERROR] Program.Main() System.Exception: Task named TaskRunner.Tasks.Custom.DBUtilitiesVersionUpdater not found. at TaskRunner.Data.TaskFactory.Create(TaskMetaData metaData, String taskName) at TaskRunner.Program.Main(String[] args). Process Exit Code 10. The step failed.
Release : 6.x
Component : TaskRunner
The TaskRunner executable (TaskRunner.exe) did not run or could not access the database utilities on the file system to gather version information. This can occur if the option to install the Database Utilities is not selected at the time ICA is upgraded, or if the path to the Database Utilities specified in the general portal setting Path to Database Utilities is invalid or inaccessible.
Update the TaskRunner executable via the Database Utilities installer and ensure the path to the database utilities matches the existing path to the database utilities. The recommended location is on the server hosting the SQL Server service. This path should be set in the ICA console in the setting Admin > Settings > General > Advanced Settings > Path to Database Utilities.
The TaskRunner.exe executable was not versioned prior to 6.5.4, so each release through 6.5.3 will show an updated modification date but the version will remain With 6.5.4, the TaskRunner version matches the database version (e.g., 6.5.40100.0).