Our internal auditors have just given us a mandate to change all the security in VIEW over to RACF.
Release : View 14.0
The basic external security feature of View is as follows:
. SARINIT parameter SECID=... notes the first node of a security rule.
. SARINIT parameter SECURITY=EXTERNAL notes that external security is being used for the database.
. There are 14 resource types (REPT, BANR, VIEW, etc.) that are used as the second node of a security rule:
Resource Type Resources Protected
BANR Banner page members
DEV Device definition (DEF DEV command)
DIST Distribution definition (DEF DIST command and user definition distribution identifier)
FILT Filter definitions (DEF FILTER command)
IDXN Index name
IDXV Index value
JOB Job records
NOTE Annotations and bookmarks
PANL Online panel members
RAPS All pages of a SYSOUTt/Report
SYS SYSOUT definition (DEF SYS command)
USER User IDs (DEF USER command)
VIEW Logical Views
The above values would be used in the construction of a rule such as:
. secid.REPT.*
The above format would be used, in constructing a rule, regardless of the security package used.
More Information about External Security can be found here: External Security