When running Web Agent and enabling badformschars and fcchtmlencoding
ACO parameters, then access to one specific application bring the
following error in the brower.
HTTP Status 400 ? Bad Request
Status Report
Bad Request The SMPORTALURL could not be found.
The server cannot or will not process the request due to something
that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request
syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request
Authentication is done using Customized login.fcc file.
All Web Agent version
The fact that & gets encoded as & in the form's target value does
depend on the fcchtmlencoding ACO and not on the badformchars one.
When setting ACO fcchtmlencoding to yes, then it is expected that the
form target value has all & encoded as &. As such it's expected
that after credentials being POSTed to the same login.fcc, the &
strings get resolved back to & or %26.
So the issue in the environment is related to the fact that the
& was not set back to html decoded as & or %26, but kept as &
string in the URL bar.
Investigate the Custom code to understand how the POST of the
credential is done and make sure that the target value is unencoded
with & to solve this issue.