Can Endevor Brightside/Zowe be downloaded with out a license?
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Can Endevor Brightside/Zowe be downloaded with out a license?


Article ID: 218030


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Endevor Brightside


Is there a way that Endevor Brightside/Zowe can be downloaded if a site is not licensed for it?






Zowe is the open source offering whereas Brightside is the full enterprise supported version from Broadcom.  Both products are essentially the same, the support model being the difference. In response to your support ticket the following install recommendations are referenced below.
The following pre0reqs are required to install Zowe and get meaningful value from the product.
1. Install "node.js" version 10 or later. I prefer version 10.x as there have been issues with compatibility with v14 in the past.
2. zOSMF or zFTP are required to support any actions regarding data set and job management.
3. Endevor Web Services is required to use the Endevor Plugin with Zowe.
4. Once 2,3 are completed you can install the zOSMF and Endevor Plugins or any other plugins available.
There are two options that will work for downloading the Zowe product w/o a license for Brightside.
1. Download Zowe from Broadcom's distribution site specifically for Zowe,  This path is recommended to get started as the plugins for Broadcom products are available here as opposed to
2. Refer to the "Zowe_documentation .pdf" for details on installing the CLI and plugins from an archive file or from the registry. There are other components referenced for the mainframe, however to get started the CLI and plugins with required pre-reqs are all that is needed at this time.