LDAPS Support for Web Viewer 12.1
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LDAPS Support for Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 217858


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


 I am changing the LDAP port from non-secure port=389 to LDAPS secure port=636. Any concern?



Release : 12.1




LDAPS was introduced in the product at LU02547 published build 214



Enhancement is being written

Create Keystore Files for LDAP TLS
Last Updated February 19, 2021

Administrators can use LDAP on TLS (LDAPS) to encrypt the communication
 between an LDAP server and CA OM Web Viewer.
  Follow these steps:
Step 1: Create or Update a Keystore to Connect to your LDAPS Server
Step 2: Configure the CA OM Web Viewer Server
Step 3: Configure the CA OM Web Viewer Directory to Point to the LDAPS Server
Step 4: Verify that One or More Roles use the Directory
 For LDAPS, only System Level External Configuration and Application 
 Level External Configuration are supported.
Step 1: Create or Update a Keystore to Connect to your LDAPS Server
In this procedure, you export the LDAP-specific certificate from your LDAP server
 and import it into a java keystore. After the certificate is added to the keystore, 
 it is used to secure the connection between CA OM Web Viewer and the LDAP server.
Export the certificate from your LDAP server.

See your LDAP server documentation for instructions, which vary
 according to your platform and server. 
Export a certificate containing the server’s public key into
 Base-64 encoded X.509 (CER) file format.
Verify that <jre or jdk>/bin is in your path. If necessary, add it to your path.

Import the certificate into a java keystore. You can use any keystore tool 
such as Keystore Explorer or keytool. These instructions use the standard java tool keystore.
 Use the following command for either a new or existing keystore:
keytool -importcert -alias <certificate name> -file <file path> -keystore <new or existing keystore>
An example follows:
keytool -importcert -alias publicLDAPcert -file yourCerti.cer -keystore wvLDAP_KeystoreSample.jks
When prompted, specify a new or existing password, depending on whether the keystore is new or existing. 
When prompted to trust the certificate, answer Yes.
Step 2: Configure the CA OM Web Viewer Server

Locate your External Configuration location, typically, <Web Viewer install>/config or <OMWV12_HOME>/config
Copy your keystore into your configuration folder.

The follwing will be done using the new ConfigTool:

Update WVProfile.properties with the following lines:
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystoreFile=<path of your keystore, including filename>
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystorePassword=<keystore password or keyword>
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPPort=Port Number used to communicate to LDAP Server
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystoreEntry=entry in the keystore to be used

Create Keystore Files for LDAP TLS
Last Updated February 19, 2021

Administrators can use LDAP on TLS (LDAPS) to encrypt the communication
 between an LDAP server and CA OM Web Viewer.
  Follow these steps:
Step 1: Create or Update a Keystore to Connect to your LDAPS Server
Step 2: Configure the CA OM Web Viewer Server
Step 3: Configure the CA OM Web Viewer Directory to Point to the LDAPS Server
Step 4: Verify that One or More Roles use the Directory
 For LDAPS, only System Level External Configuration and Application 
 Level External Configuration are supported.
Step 1: Create or Update a Keystore to Connect to your LDAPS Server
In this procedure, you export the LDAP-specific certificate from your LDAP server
 and import it into a java keystore. After the certificate is added to the keystore, 
 it is used to secure the connection between CA OM Web Viewer and the LDAP server.
Export the certificate from your LDAP server.

See your LDAP server documentation for instructions, which vary
 according to your platform and server. 
Export a certificate containing the server’s public key into
 Base-64 encoded X.509 (CER) file format.
Verify that <jre or jdk>/bin is in your path. If necessary, add it to your path.

Import the certificate into a java keystore. You can use any keystore tool 
such as Keystore Explorer or keytool. These instructions use the standard java tool keystore.
 Use the following command for either a new or existing keystore:
keytool -importcert -alias <certificate name> -file <file path> -keystore <new or existing keystore>
An example follows:
keytool -importcert -alias publicLDAPcert -file yourCerti.cer -keystore wvLDAP_KeystoreSample.jks
When prompted, specify a new or existing password, depending on whether the keystore is new or existing. 
When prompted to trust the certificate, answer Yes.
Step 2: Configure the CA OM Web Viewer Server

Locate your External Configuration location, typically, <Web Viewer install>/config or <OMWV12_HOME>/config
Copy your keystore into your configuration folder.

The following will be done using the new ConfigTool:

Update WVProfile.properties with the following lines:
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystoreFile=<path of your keystore, including filename>
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystorePassword=<keystore password or keyword>
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPPort=Port Number used to communicate to LDAP Server
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystoreEntry=entry in the keystore to be used


Additional Information

LDAPS support was introduced at LU02547 published build 214