Create Keystore Files for LDAP TLS
Administrators can use LDAP on TLS (LDAPS) to encrypt the communication between an LDAP server and OM Web Viewer.
- Create or Update a Keystore to Connect to your LDAPS Server
- Configure the OM Web Viewer Server
- Configure the OM Web Viewer Directory to Point to the LDAPS Server
- Verify that One or More Roles use the Directory
NOTE: For LDAPS, only System Level External Configuration and Application Level External Configuration are supported.
Create or Update a Keystore to Connect to your LDAPS Server
In this procedure, you export the LDAP-specific certificate from your LDAP server and import it into a java keystore. After the certificate is added to the keystore, it is used to secure the connection between OM Web Viewer and the LDAP server.
- Export the certificate from your LDAP server. See your LDAP server documentation for instructions, which vary according to your platform and server. Export a certificate containing the server’s public key into Base-64 encoded X.509 (CER) file format.
- Verify that <jre or jdk>/bin is in your path. If necessary, add it to your path.
Import the certificate into a java keystore. You can use any keystore tool such as Keystore Explorer or keytool. These instructions use the standard java tool keystore. Use the following command for either a new or existing keystore:
- keytool -importcert -alias <certificate name> -file <file path> -keystore <new or existing keystore>. An example follows:
- keytool -importcert -alias publicLDAPcert -file yourCerti.cer -keystore wvLDAP_KeystoreSample.jks
- When prompted, specify a new or existing password, depending on whether the keystore is new or existing.
- When prompted to trust the certificate, answer Yes.
Configure the OM Web Viewer Server
- Locate your External Configuration location, typically, <Web Viewer install>/config or <OMWV12_HOME>/config
- Copy your keystore into your configuration folder.
- The following will be done using the new configtool:
- Update with the following lines:
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystoreFile=<path of your keystore, including filename>
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystorePassword=<keystore password or keyword>
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPPort=Port Number used to communicate to LDAP Server
AUTHENTICATION.LDAPKeystoreEntry=entry in the keystore to be used