Mainframe masking result with incorrect FORMATENCRYPT1
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Mainframe masking result with incorrect FORMATENCRYPT1


Article ID: 217838


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Two masking results with FORMATENCRYPT1 are incorrect.
 1- The masking of the field VAL_AVAN.  The masking result of the field filled with low-value X(00) is a field filled with space.  The result should be a field filled with low-value x(00) because of the masking option FORMATENCRYPT1IGNORESPECIALCHARS=Y

2- Masking of the VAL_APRE field.  The result of the masking does not contain the same number of characters as the input value.
original value : ' 1 200 000.00 '
masked value : ' 4 86 '


Release : 4.9.1

Component : CA Test Data Manager - Others


There was a mixing of version - 4.5 and 6.2 - and this resulted in unexpected results.  4.5 based was installed and then a 6.2 patch was applied.


After we reinstall CATDM with Cobol 6.2 and the last patch, we no longer have the problem.