The AE engine is slow. There are increasingly long Time Critical DB calls on the OH table, always on the same OH_Idnr:
20210617/124547.352 - U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call! OPC: 'SLCU' time: '151:307.076.999'
20210617/124547.352 - U00029131 UCUDB - List of bind parameters:
20210617/124547.352 - U00029132 UCUDB: 'OH_Idnr = 2024290'
20210617/124547.352 - U00003525 UCUDB: ===> 'Select * from OH where OH_Idnr = ? and (OH_DeleteFlag = 0 or OH_DeleteFlag = 2)'
Release : 12.3
One of the possible issues is that a VARA object is used as a database and being accessed by several jobs at the same time.
Typically, the VARA is very large (1000+ lines).
If this is the case and the VARA is updated constantly, the access to the VARA is serialized and the different WPs that need to access the VARA have to wait for each other.
Use a external database, VARA objects are not to be used as mini databases to constantly store information.