Would like to know more details about AWS probe regarding the ports, connection, permission, and supported AWS version.
Regarding AWS ports, you must specify the port with help from your AWS administrator:
Under the Proxy Settings section, complete the following field information to connect to the AWS cloud through a proxy server.
Enable Proxy: allows you to use a proxy server for connecting to the AWS cloud.
IP: specifies the IP address or the DNS resolvable hostname of the proxy server. ( Your Proxy Server)
Port: specifies the port that you are using in your proxy server through which the connection to AWS CloudWatch is established.
Username: defines the user name for accessing your proxy server.
For more information, see the Installation Prerequisites section in AWS (Amazon Web Services Monitoring) Release Notes.
The AWS probe is certified for use in the Squid proxy environment.
Password: defines the password for the specified Username.
We support all AWS instance versions, but please refer to the requirements:
If you need details about the user requirements, please review:
Policies that may need to be enabled in AWS for the user associated with the configured Access Key Id in the AWS probe configuration file:
The following policies should be checked:
- AmazonReadOnlyAccess ***
- AmazonDynamoDBReadOnlyAccess
- AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess
- AmazonElastiCacheReadOnlyAccess
- AmazonRDSReadOnlyAccess
- AmazonRoute53ReadOnlyAccess
- AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess *** (Note: The probe requires the AmazonS3FullAccess *** policy to monitor S3 Write performance)
- AmazonSNSReadOnlyAccess
- AmazonSQSReadOnlyAccess
AWS service account for IAM policy requirements:
Auto Scaling
Route 53
To monitor root account billing details, in addition to ReadOnly access for CloudWatch service the probe requires the following policies:
- AWSAccountUsageReportAccess ***
- AWSAccountActivityAccess ***
To monitor EC2 containers:
- AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess
If the following policies exist, these should also be checked:
- AmazonECSReadOnlyAccess
- AmazonLambdaReadOnlyAccess