Assistance Converting RACF Groups To Top Secret
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Assistance Converting RACF Groups To Top Secret


Article ID: 217741


Updated On:


Top Secret


How do you convert a RACF group to Top Secret?


Release : 16.0

Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS


- If the RACF group has a GID, create a type GROUP acid in Top Secret and add a GID to it. For example:

TSS CREATE(grpacid) TYPE(GROUP) NAME(‘group name’) DEPT(dept)
TSS ADD(grpacid) GID(nnn)  or GID(?)

- If the RACF group has resource accesses in it, create a type PROFILE acid in Top Secret and permit the resources and/or add the necessary attributes, facilities, etc. For example:

TSS CREATE(profacid) TYPE(PROFILE) NAME(‘profile name’) DEPT(dept)
TSS PERMIT(profacid) resclass(resname) ACCESS(access)
TSS ADD(profacid) FAC(fac)

- If the RACF group has both a GID and accesses, create both (two different acids) a type GROUP acid and a type PROFILE acid in Top Secret as described in the example commands above.