How to send curl command to the proxy with authentication?
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How to send curl command to the proxy with authentication?


Article ID: 217693


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG


This article shows on how to send a curl command to the proxy with authentication.


Below is an example on how to send the curl command:

curl -U username:password -x myproxy:8080 --proxy-ntlm


Note: How to run curl commands on Windows:

From the Command Prompt, enter to the location where the executable file was pasted. To enter to the folder you need to use the "cd" command following the location of the folder which contains the executable file as you can see below. 

cd programs

Expected location to be shown


To verify if you are able to run curl commands with the command prompt, test functionality by executing the command below:

curl --help 

At this point, you should receive the all the help info related to the curl command.