You need to gather a packet capture for your support case (if you need to gather a capture during boot on Windows, see article 213208)
Windows 7+
Windows Server 2008r2+
netsh trace start capture=yes tracefile="$home\documents\$($Env:ComputerName).etl" maxSize=4096 IPv4.Address=<IP Address>
Example: netsh trace start capture=yes tracefile="$home\documents\$($Env:ComputerName).etl" maxSize=4096 IPv4.Address=
netsh trace stop
ip addr
tcpdump -i <interface name> port <port> src <source IP address> dst <destination IP address> -w ~/capture.pcap
Example: tcpdump -i eth0 port 1344 -w ~/capture.pcap
.etl files can be converted to pcapng for easier analysis using the etl2pcapng tool released by Microsoft.