I am receiving the error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: ipString" when going to the Interfaces page in RA/NFA.
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I am receiving the error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: ipString" when going to the Interfaces page in RA/NFA.


Article ID: 21759


Updated On:


CA Application Delivery Analysis MTP (NetQoS / ADA) CA Infrastructure Performance


The error below is seen when going to the Interfaces page in RA/NFA.

No results available. An error occured.System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: ipString at
System.Net.IPAddress.InternalParse(String ipString, Boolean tryParse) at ....



Release: RAIB1H99000-9.3-Network Flow Analysis-Interface Bundle-Hardware


This occurs when the deviceAlias for a router does not get set properly after upgrade.



Set the deviceAlias to be the device's IP address.

  1. Run the following on the RA/NFA standalone/console to login to Mysql:

mysql -P3308 reporter 

  1. Then run the following to set the devicealias value equal to the routeraddress value where there is no value for devicealias:

update routers set devicealias=inet_ntoa(routeraddress), dnsExpireTime=0 where devicealias=''; 

  1. Refresh the Interface page and the error should no longer display.


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