Discrepancy in job message log (REORG vs Extract utility)
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Discrepancy in job message log (REORG vs Extract utility)


Article ID: 217509


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Database Organizer for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer (IMS Tools)


The following message is coming from IMS tools release r20 after a Maintenance upgrade. 

The EXTRACT utility is putting out the message 'ITKE601I Version 20.0, IMS 15.2, z/OS 2.3 , NOT APF AUTHORIZED  ' though job was successful.

The REORG (UNLOAD and RELOAD) utility gives the message 'ITKE601I Version 20.0, IMS 15.2, z/OS 2.3 , APF AUTHORIZED     ' though job was successful.

The STEPLIB concatenation libraries are APF authorized.



The message is correct. It is because of the BMP mode.

Our IDIDBO is called thru DFSRRC00, so both DLI and BMP modes would run not-APF authorized (testing with DLI and UNLOAD, also caused NOT APF AUTHORIZED and IDI2312W).
It's not want our IMS tools do, it's caused by IMS itself, because of DFSRRC00. This is completely normal.

During release r20 development the warning message was added together with additional IDIMMGR0 timing improvement, which is not accessible
due to the non-authorization, and this is just informational for the user. This is why you are now see this message after applying maintenance.

Additional Information

We will be working on documenting the message and providing more clearance on what is the significance.