After install the Mac agent it fails to connect to the server. This same package has been used successfully on other mac machines.
When reviewing the log files on the agent we see the following messages:
File: edpa_ext0.log
Date: 6/4/2021 11:06:05 AM
Thread: 47461
Level: INFO
Source: AgentService.KernelMessageService
Message: FSD could not be loaded due to system policy,Retrying to load FSD Kext...
File: edpa_ext0.log
Date: 6/4/2021 11:06:08 AM
Thread: 47461
Source: AgentService.KernelMessageService
Message: FS driver load failed: /Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint Agent/fsd.kext : (libkern/kext) system policy prevents loading
File: edpa_ext0.log
Date: 6/4/2021 11:06:08 AM
Thread: 47461
Source: AgentService.KernelMessageService
Message: Failed to load /Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint Agent/fsd.kext, driver load state is 2 [SYMRESULT 0x80010005]
Release : 15.7 MP1 and below
Unsupported version of DLP on OSX 11.x
This is a known limitation with OSX 11.x and above. Please upgrade to DLP 15.7 MP2 or greater as earlier versions are not supported on OSX 11. See macOS operating system requirements for endpoint systems in the system requirements guide for further details.