Database Sync ( activity failed with an error
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Database Sync ( activity failed with an error


Article ID: 217483


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Autosys Workload Automation


The script failed with the below error while following the documented procedures to synchronize the dual event servers on Sybase database. Checking databases...

             May 25 2021  3:39PM

(1 row affected)

             May 25 2021  3:39PM

(1 row affected)  PROCESSING TABLE ujo_afm...  Moving data from primarydb table ujo_afm to /tmp/dumpfile...
bcp autosys.dbo.ujo_afm out /tmp/dumpfile  -Uautosys -P******  -S primarydb  -n

Starting copy...

2 rows copied.
Clock Time (ms.): total = 2  Avg = 1 (1000.00 rows per sec.)  Truncating data in secondaryDB table ujo_afm...
isql -Uautosys -P******  -SsecondaryDB -Dautosys -i delete_data.sql  Moving data from /tmp/dumpfile to secondaryDB table ujo_afm...
bcp autosys.dbo.ujo_afm in /tmp/dumpfile  -Uautosys -P******  -S secondaryDB  -n

Starting copy...
Server Message: secondaryDB - Msg 4847, Level 16, State 1:
BCP insert operation is disabled when data size is changing between client and server character sets. Please use BCP's -Y option to invoke client-side conversion.

Server Message: secondaryDB - Msg 3621, Level 10, State 0:
Command has been aborted.

CTLIB Message:  - L1/O3/S0/N14/0/0:
blk_init(): blk layer: CT library error: Failed when CT_Lib routine ct_results() called.
blk_init failed.
bcp copy in failed  bcp failed.  Cannot proceed.


Workload Automation AutoSys 11.x/12.x


This error most commonly appears when the locale settings mismatch between the Sybase database and the Autosys server where the Sybase client is installed.


The problem is the locale/charset mismatch between the Sybase server and the client installed on the autosys server. 

Ensure "locale -a" returns the same on both the Sybase server and on the autosys server where the autobcp script is being executed. 


Workaround - 

If the above does not resolve the problem, a workaround is to update autobcp script to include parameter "-y".

Original - 

  # Move the data from the operating system file to the target table.

    printf "${MYNAME}:  Moving data from $dumpfile to $target_server table $tableresult[$i]...\n";


    $temp="$BCPDIR $DBNAME.dbo.$tableresult[$i] in $dumpfile  $DESTUSRPASS -S $target_server $batch_size $bcp_format";


Change the line to add "-Y" 

  # Move the data from the operating system file to the target table.

    printf "${MYNAME}:  Moving data from $dumpfile to $target_server table $tableresult[$i]...\n";


    $temp="$BCPDIR $DBNAME.dbo.$tableresult[$i] in $dumpfile  $DESTUSRPASS -S $target_server $batch_size $bcp_format -Y";


Note: The workaround is to work around the problem. The solution is to resolve the locale settings mismatch between the Sybase server and the client.


Additional Information

autobcpDB Script -- Synchronize Databases -