What would cause performance degradation using the SQL-Ease Explain option?
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What would cause performance degradation using the SQL-Ease Explain option?


Article ID: 21742


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SQL-Ease for DB2 for z/OS Plan Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


Using SQL-Ease for Explain processing, performance is impacted due to the creation of 2 tables (PLAN_TABLE and DSN_STATEMENT_TABLE)
and their correlating indexes in the background. This occurs upon each Explain process. How can this be minimized?



To alleviate SQL-Ease from creating these objects each time, change the Explain options for the PLAN_TABLE option from 'ROLLBACK' to 'COMMIT',
thus making the Explain tables and indexes that are auto-created for the Explain process permanent. Once the objects are permanent,
then the Explain options for the PLAN_TABLE option can revert back to 'ROLLBACK'.