We are experiencing issues randomly where a user logs on to TSO to reload multiple SYSOUT from PTAPE to DISK and gets hung.
When we look at the GRS enqueue, we often see a "EXC" in GRS, with MINOR name of SARUPD and MAJOR name of the View database for a random job.
The only way to clear this up is to FORCE the job out of the system, as it will not cancel cleanly.
Is this a known issue?
What are the recommendations for GRS, for LOADING SYSOUT from TAPE to DISK?
Release : 14.0
Component : CA View
The RESERVE issued by CA View is normally short-lived but causes deadlock conditions unless properly defined.
It is best to convert any RESERVEs to global enqueues, however (if your environment dictates) the RESERVEs need not be converted.
If a View database's first index extent (....SARDBASE.I0000001) AND the first data extent (....SARDBASE.D0000001) are on dedicated volumes (with no other data sets), then there is no need to convert RESERVES to global enqueues.
The following table shows how CA View uses ENQ and RESERVE:
QNAME Type Description Integrity Product Control
SARSTC ENQ Restricts the CA View database to only one archival task NO
SARPAC ENQ Restricts the CA View SARPAC utility to only one task at a time. NO
SARACT RESERVE Serializes the updating of the CA View accounting file YES (NO if environment dictates)
SARUPD RESERVE Serializes the updating of the CA View database and index YES (NO if environment dictates)