CDM probe sends alerts after the first sample even if configured as 3 samples
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CDM probe sends alerts after the first sample even if configured as 3 samples


Article ID: 217384


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We are receiving huge no of CPU alerts with sample 1 when we have set the no of samples to 3 in the CDM cfg file and on checking this is only happening after the server gets reboot.


  • Release: 20.3 or higher
  • Component: UIM - CDM WITH IOSTAT
  • cdm v6.60


  • Send alarm on each sample: allows you to generate an alarm on each sample, if selected.
  • If not selected, the probe waits for the number of samples (specified in the Samples field of the Control properties tab) before sending the alarm.
  • For example, if the Interval value is 1 minute and the Samples value is 2 under the Control Properties tab, and if this option is:
    • Unchecked: the probe generates the first alarm in 2 minutes and respective alarm at 1 minute interval.
    • Checked: the probe generates the first alarm in 1 minute and each respective alarm at 1 minute interval.


Unchecking the following option ''Send alarm on each sample'' solves the issue.


Additional Information

Related KB:

UIM - MCS CDM Enhanced profile alarms at the first sample