parameter is incorrect 0x57
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parameter is incorrect 0x57


Article ID: 217370


Updated On: 06-18-2021


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)



Trying to start the IFW and Event Management services on a SOI connector machine gives the following error and the services do not start:
Unable to start the CA SOI Integration Services service - The parameter is incorrect. (0x57)
Unable to start the CA SOI Event Management service - The parameter is incorrect. (0x57)

Activating debug log for the IFW does not create more data.


Release : 4.2

Component :



The conf files were checked for any obvious issues like extra characters in the wrong place.

The JVM was also verified to be functional

Checking the Windows service, the parameters (Path to executable) were showing as empty

The cause for the parameters going missing could not be determined but would be suspected to some other OS process outside of SOI control.



The expected command for the IFW service is similar to this (depending on the path to the installation)

C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-connectors.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\SAM-IntegrationServices.conf


Similarly for Event Management

C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-eventmanager.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\EventManager-wrapper.conf


Editing the Windows services to add the path back, allowed the services to start properly again.

Additional Information


A list of the executable paths of common SOI components, adjust paths as appropriate to the environment


SAM Integration Services / IFW - C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-connectors.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\SAM-IntegrationServices.conf

StoreIndexer - C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-indexer.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\SAM-StoreIndexer.conf

SOI Application Server (Manager) - C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-manager.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\soi-manager.conf

SOI UI Server - C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-user-interface.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\soi-user-interface.conf

MQ Server - C:\CA\SOI\apache-activemq\bin\win64\wrapper.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\apache-activemq\bin\win64\wrapper.conf

NIM Helpdesk - C:\CA\SOI\nimServer\bin\tomcat7.exe //RS//CA_NIM_HelpDesk_Server(tomcat)

EventManagement - C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-eventmanager.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\EventManager-wrapper.conf

UCF Broker - C:\CA\SOI\jsw\bin\soi-ucf-broker.exe -s C:\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\broker.conf

Catalyst Container - C:\CA\Catalyst\CATALY~1\jsw\bin\wrapper.exe -s C:\CA\Catalyst\CATALY~1\jsw\conf\CATALY~1.CONF

(full path to files: C:\CA\Catalyst\CatalystConnector\jsw\bin\wrapper.exe -s C:\CA\Catalyst\CatalystConnector\jsw\conf\Catalyst-Container.conf)