DUAS: After deleting an outage window Tasks are no longer scheduled or launched anymore
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DUAS: After deleting an outage window Tasks are no longer scheduled or launched anymore


Article ID: 217278


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


After deleting an Outage Window, some Tasks are no longer calculated or scheduled by the Calculator.

The impact and symptoms are different depending on the version of the Dollar Universe nodes:

If nodes are in version 6.9.61 or inferior:

  • The problem affects ALL Scheduled / Cyclical Tasks of the particular node, no new launches are generated
  • The calculator Wake Up date appears with a wrong date in the year 1000! In this example 11/06/1000 04:32:10

  • One of the uprocs of the affected Task ends in Time Overrun with numproc 0000000 and no History Trace with End Date the very same End Date in the year 1000:

  • If we look into the file u_fmta60.dta of the node and look for that same Date 11/06/1000 which translates into 10000611 we can see that it occurs after having Deleted the Outage and with the TaskID T000001346 we can retrieve the name of the impacted Task

[root@<hostname> bin]# $UNI_DIR_EXEC/universe -getname -type tsk -id T000001346

If nodes are in version 6.10.01 or superior:

  • The problem affects only one or a couple of Tasks
  • The calculator wake-up date is correct ( showing a date in the future)
  • No errors appear in universe.log
  • When opening the u_fmta60.dta file with a text editor, we can see the issue in some lines in column 28 to 42, no valid date format is written, instead some funny weird characters are shown:


Release : 6.x



Bug: the removal of an Outage may provoke a wrong next Calculation Date to be set into the u_fmta60.dta (columns 28 to 42) for some Tasks where some uprocs inside the session were shifted by the Outage removal.



Please tell Dollar Universe End Users to not to delete Outages for the time being.

In case the issue occurs, the workaround is the following:

1. Identify the task/tasks affected by this issue by looking at the u_fmta60.dta file columns 28 to 42, if a funny value like 1000* is stored or some weird characters are in this position, you would need to disable this task.

2. Restart the calculator so that the Wake up date is in the future again

3. Enable again the Tasks/s identified in point 1, they should be calculated correctly again.


Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.

Fix version(s): 
Component: Application.Server
Dollar Universe 6.10.81 - Available

Additional Information


In order to identify the tasks having being impacted, you can check the content of the u_fmta60.dta lines with a command such as (to be launched from the $UNI_DIR_ROOT folder),

awk '/^T.*/ { print substr($0,1,10), " -> ",  substr($0,28,14) }' data/exp/u_fmta60.dta | grep -v <previous year> | grep -v <current year> | grep -v 2036

So, if the current year is 2023:

awk '/^T.*/ { print substr($0,1,10), " -> ",  substr($0,28,14) }' data/exp/u_fmta60.dta | grep -v 2022 | grep -v 2023 | grep -v 2036

If you have some results, then those tasks are affected. To fix it, we need to do an update on that task or toggle disable/enable to reset this wrong date.

We could automate this with the following script that will both detect and fix those tasks with a uxupd command:

awk '/^T.*/ { print substr($0,1,10), " -> ",  substr($0,28,14) }' data/exp/u_fmta60.dta | grep -v <previous year> | grep -v <current year> | grep -v 2036 | cut -d ' ' -f1 | xargs -I{} grep {} data/u_fxta60.dta | cut -d ' ' -f1 | xargs -I %  sh -c '{ $UNI_DIR_EXEC/uxupd tsk tsk="%" mu=*; }'

If the current year is 2024, please increase the year numbers by 1, example:
awk '/^T.*/ { print substr($0,1,10), " -> ",  substr($0,28,14) }' data/exp/u_fmta60.dta | grep -v 2023 | grep -v 2024 | grep -v 2036

If the current year is 2025, please increase the year numbers by 1, example:
awk '/^T.*/ { print substr($0,1,10), " -> ",  substr($0,28,14) }' data/exp/u_fmta60.dta | grep -v 2024 | grep -v 2025 | grep -v 2036