If PTF LU000249 has been applied to Endevor 18.1, the following PTFS must be applied to avoid the errors noted above:
Using the COPYELM command in Quick Edit fails with message ISPT032 and this text:
No arguments established for TBSCAN of table EN1IE910
Also, using the SY (Sync in Place) command in Quick Edit fails with message ISPT034 and this text:
Table is not open - TBPUT issued for table ... .!. that is not open.
Quick Edit user routines fail, Endevor ends abnormally and shows a panel with message ISPS0108 and this text - Invalid length - Parameter 'USERRFSHEEVETKEL' exceeds the allowable length.
Addresses Quick Edit SQ Command - After having used the QuickEdit SQ command, the element list shows duplicate entries for each row processed by the SQ command.