LU00249 - Performance Enhancement to Endevor ISPF Element List Panels
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LU00249 - Performance Enhancement to Endevor ISPF Element List Panels


Article ID: 217274


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LU00249 introduces an enhancement to the Endevor ISPF Element List panel.  A problem was found with large inventory areas, when building a list of element it took a long time.  The problem was seen in classic Endevor (C1SSELSL) as well as QuickEdit (ENDIE250). 

As a result of this solution, several other problem were detected. 

  • The use of the COPYELM command as well as the SY (Sync in Place) command will fail in QuickEdit  - issue an message ISPT034 Table is not open.
  • Quick Edit user routines fail, Endevor ends abnormally and shows a panel with message ISPS0108 and this text: Invalid length          
  • QuickEdit SQ command, the element list shows duplicate entries for each row processed by the SQ command                                        



CA Endevor Software Change Manager 18.1 


If PTF LU000249 has been applied to Endevor 18.1, the following PTFS must be applied to avoid the errors noted above:
Using the COPYELM command in Quick Edit fails with message ISPT032 and this text: 
No arguments established for TBSCAN of table EN1IE910                
Also, using the SY (Sync in Place) command in Quick Edit fails with message ISPT034 and this text:
Table is not open - TBPUT issued for table  ... .!. that is not open.
Quick Edit user routines fail, Endevor ends abnormally and shows a panel with message ISPS0108 and this text - Invalid length - Parameter 'USERRFSHEEVETKEL' exceeds the allowable length.       
Addresses Quick Edit SQ Command - After having used the QuickEdit SQ command, the element list shows duplicate entries for each row processed by the SQ command.