Timesheet not posting: remains Approved with error "Lock ~prTimeEntry held by user..."
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Timesheet not posting: remains Approved with error "Lock ~prTimeEntry held by user..."


Article ID: 217249


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The Post Timesheet job has been run and all timesheets except one have been posted. The affected timesheet remains on an Approved status

In the log files you see warnings like:

WARN  2020-01-06 14:23:58,977 [https-jsse-nio2-2443-exec-5] niku.xql2 (clarity:admin:17981279__991BA6FA-3E10-4199-BF2C-3D55DA733464:PPM_REST_API) Lock ~prTimeEntry held by user xxxxxxx requested by user xxxxxxx

WARN  2020-01-06 14:23:59,081 [https-jsse-nio2-2443-exec-5] niku.xql2 (clarity:admin:17981279__991BA6FA-3E10-4199-BF2C-3D55DA733464:PPM_REST_API) Lock ~prTimeEntry held by user yyyyyyy requested by user yyyyyyy


This is caused by a prtimesheet lock on the prlock table.


  1. Go to the following Clarity URL: http://<hostname>/nu#action:security.locks
  2. You will see the locks present in Clarity
  3. Remove the timesheet related lock
  4. The next Post timesheet Job run will post the timesheet