Why is a COND CODE 4 encountered when dynamic work dataset allocation fails due to a duplicate dataset when executing Fast Load
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Why is a COND CODE 4 encountered when dynamic work dataset allocation fails due to a duplicate dataset when executing Fast Load


Article ID: 21717


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Fast Load for DB2 for z/OS


Executing Fast Load for Db2 for z/OS (PFL) and receiving a COND CODE 4 when dynamic allocation errors occur due to dataset(s) already existing.

In the following example the SYSDISC work dataset is being dynamically allocated:

PFL0303W - Dynamic Allocation: File not allocated because it exists in
the catalog: xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.A0003.SYSDISC

PFL0284W - Dynamic Allocation: Process failed in CSECT FLA$DYN2
Detected in module FLA$DYN

What steps can be taken to resolve the dynamic allocation error in this instance?


The PFL job is ending with a COND CODE 04 as designed in this case. One of the following can be done to alleviate this concern:

  1. Add the work DD statement to the JCL as a static allocation so it is not dynamically allocated with an appropriate DSN= and DISP=.

  2. If dynamic allocation is desired for the work DD, adjust the DSN= symbolic string in the PFL member of highlvl.CDBAPARM for uniqueness. The following is an example: SYSDISC (DSN=%USER..%DBNAME..%TSNAME..T%TIME..SYSDISC

  3. If you do not wish the work DD to be dynamically allocated, modify the PFL member of highlvl.CDBAPARM specifying option DYNAMIC=NO.

  4. If retention of the work dataset is not desired specify option RETAIN-DATASET=NO for the work DD in the PFL member of
    highlvl.CDBAPARM and the work dataset will not be retained at the end of the utility execution.