PDSMENF-01 ENF LISTEN error - the OPSMVS01 event is not defined
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PDSMENF-01 ENF LISTEN error - the OPSMVS01 event is not defined


Article ID: 217094


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


We are testing the latest PDSMAN maintenance along with OPS/MVS 14.O and noticed we are still getting the following messages even with OPS 14.0 running:

PDSMENF-01 ENF LISTEN error - the OPSMVS01 event is not defined      
PDSMOPR-27 CA-ENF Interface status: Error - OPS event undef        

Are there some additional PDSMAN or OPS/MVS configuration tasks that need to be completed to avoid these messages?





Release : 14.0

Component : OPS/MVS


The DCM was not defined in the ENF parms.


Define Event OPSMVS01 to CA ENF

Perform these steps:

1) Copy module OPEDCM0 from the CA OPS/MVS target load library hlq.CCLXLOAD to the CA Common Services (CCS) deployed DCM load library hlq.CAW0DCM that is used by the CA Event Notification Facility (ENF).

2) Add this entry to the ENFPARMS file of the ENF STC PROC: