Switch Accounting from using a Connect Direct FDA to the SNT CDZ file
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Switch Accounting from using a Connect Direct FDA to the SNT CDZ file


Article ID: 217047


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MICS Resource Management


How to switch CA MICS Accounting from using a Connect Direct FDA to the SNT CDZ file.
Can I accomplish this mid-month?  How do I do this? 
Do I just need to enter the comp code and rates for SNT CDZ and remove the FDA comp code and rates; then perform MAGRUNS for the effective units?


Release : 14.2

Component : CA MICS BASE SET


If switching from using Connect Direct FDA to the SNT CDZ file, you should exclude the current journal file from the rate table.
By excluding this journal file, charging will stop with the next DAILY job after the MAGRUN job completes.            

You then can select the ACTJCD journal file from rate table and assign a rate.  
When you back out of the panel, it should generate the MAGRUN job for you to run so the changes will take affect. 

As to whether this can be done mid-month, the journal file for the existing FDA file will still be in the database so that
information will get rolled up into the accounting files when month199 runs.