Post upgrade to 14.3 RU2 "Query Failed" error in Endpoint Protection Manager console home page
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Post upgrade to 14.3 RU2 "Query Failed" error in Endpoint Protection Manager console home page


Article ID: 217035


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Endpoint Protection


"Query Failed" error in Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) console home page

Typical error from Reporting.log:

2021-06-07 14:47:40       ERROR:<br>QUERY: EXEC SEM_HOMEPAGE_DISABLED_COUNTS 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '<domainIds><domainId>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</domainId><domainId>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</domainId></domainIds>', '', ''<br>EXCEPTION: com_exception: <b>Source:</b> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers<br/><b>Description:</b> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI" and "French_CI_AS" in the equal to operation. in C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\ado.php:587
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\ado.php(587): com->Execute('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', -1)
#1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\ado.php(343): ado_doPreparedStatement('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', Object(com))
#2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\connectdb.php(234): ado_query('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', Object(com), false)
#3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Reporting\Dashboard\getOverallSecurityStatus.php(189): sav_query('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', Object(com))
#4 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Reporting\Dashboard\ajax.php(628): getOverallSecurityStatus()
#5 {main}Error message: <b>Source:</b> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers<br/><b>Description:</b> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI" and "French_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.<br>Error code: -2147352567<br>File and line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\ado.php(587)<br>Trace: #0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\ado.php(587): com->Execute('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', -1)
#1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\ado.php(343): ado_doPreparedStatement('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', Object(com))
#2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Php\Include\Common\connectdb.php(234): ado_query('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', Object(com), false)
#3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Reporting\Dashboard\getOverallSecurityStatus.php(189): sav_query('EXEC SEM_HOMEPA...', Object(com))
#4 C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\Reporting\Dashboard\ajax.php(628): getOverallSecurityStatus()
#5 {main}<br>


SEPM 14.3 RU2

SQL Server


Error is caused by Collation being different in the SQL server and the DB example:

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI" and "French_CI_AS" 



This issue is fixed in Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU3  For information on how to obtain the latest build of Symantec Endpoint Protection, see Download the latest version of Symantec Endpoint Protection.


Note: The tool is intended only for SEPM 14.3 RU2 to address stored procedure collation errors.

  1. Download tool from this article
  2. Copy the following files to <%SEPM INSTALL DIR%>\Tools:


  3. Run ReportingSpUpdateFor14_3_RU2.bat and check the log at <%SEPM INSTALL DIR%>\tomcat\logs\ReportingSpUpdateFor14_3_RU2.log
  4. Verify the issue is resolved by logging into the SEPM

Additional Information


Attachments get_app