"XCOMU0286E Error setting local user id" using long username with XCOM for Linux
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"XCOMU0286E Error setting local user id" using long username with XCOM for Linux


Article ID: 216984


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - Windows


When logged on to Linux server with 20 character username and run xcomtcp command for a send file transfer (-c1) receive the error:
XCOMU0286E Error setting local user id

Running with XTRACE=10 shows the LOGIN_USERNAME is being truncated to 13 characters


Release : 11.6

Component : CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC


In general XCOM usernames/user ids are officially limited to 12 characters and that applies for the logged-in user id/username who is executing the xcomtcp send file request (-c1).
In practice, a username of length 13 will also work.
If logged in with any username with a length greater than 13 a transfer attempt will give message "XCOMU0286E Error setting local user id"

Additional Information

1. There is no workaround available to override this limit for a normal send file transfer (-c1). The only option is to run the xcomtcp command under a username that is 13 characters or less.

2. These 2 documentation pages have been updated to provide the user with more information about the logged-on user id limit - they now reference the LUSERID page:
CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 11.6.1 > Messages > XCOMU0286E
CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 11.6.1 > Using > Using the Send File Command

3. There is now increased use of LDAP and Active Directory based accounts which require much longer names i.e.
LDAP/AD has a naming convention – ACOE_<APPNAME>_<SERVICE>_<ENV>.
Therefore XCOM Product Management is considering enhancing this limit in the future.