OWB Error: "Unable to save project" due to "Connection Rest" or "Fatal Alert"
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OWB Error: "Unable to save project" due to "Connection Rest" or "Fatal Alert"


Article ID: 216976


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Error messages seen when unable to update / save some Open Workbench (OWB) project plans:

  • Unable to save project ........... Connection reset
  • Unable to save project ..........  Received fatal alert: record_overflow

This issue was noticed after upgrading to TLS 1.2


Release : 15.6.1 and higher


TLS 1.2


This can be due to a Java environment variable setting


If the Java Environment Variable is not needed, remove this variable. (OWB does not need it, as it uses the Java installed with Scheduler Connect)

  1. Search for Environment Variables on the Windows workstation, then click Edit the System Environment Variables
  2. or alternatively, Click on the Start menu - Control Panel - System and Security - System - Go to Advanced System Settings 
  3. Click on the Environment Variables button
  4. Under the System Variables, remove the 'JAVA_HOME' variable
  5. Again under the System Variables, edit the 'Path' variable to remove the following: %java_home%\bin;

If that doesn't help, or if the environment variable is needed:

  1. Make sure only one Java path exists in the Path Environment Variable. If there are two (IE jdk 11 and JRE 1.8), this can cause issues
  2. Check to make sure the Path variable has the JDK 11 path set

Additional Information

See also OWB: 'Cannot start or find the Java' Error due to Env Variable Setting