Protection Engine service fails to start "failed to find supported version of java"
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Protection Engine service fails to start "failed to find supported version of java"


Article ID: 216963


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Protection for SharePoint Servers Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


On Windows, the service for Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) fails to start with error 1053. SymantecProtectionEngineAbortLog.txt indicates:

2021/06/08-15:57:53 100 Java virtual machine failed to load : CJNIBridge: failed to find supported version of java..
2021/06/08-15:57:53 0 Symantec Protection Engine is shutting down; logs may contain more information.


The Java console is enabled and SPE cannot find an appropriate version of Java.


You can either ensure an appropriate version of Oracle Java is installed and that SPE can find it, or you disable the Java console and manage SPE from the command line.

Pointing SPE to appropriate Java

  1. Ensure a compatible version of Oracle Java is installed. See the Java support matrix:
  2. Make sure SPE can find the Java binaries. This is different depending on OS.
    1. Windows: The directory with the Java binaries should be included in the System's PATH variable

    2. Linux: Open <install dir>/bin/ in a text editor and set the JavaJRELib variable to the path for the directory that contains the Java binaries

Disabling the Java console

See the following article for instructions on disabling the Java console:

Additional Information

Q: Do I have to install Java to manage SPE?

A: SPE uses Java for the old SPE 8 java UI and for the SPE 9 REST API, which listens for connections from the SPE 9 console. However,  SPE can be managed from the local command line completely without the Java console. See the following page for more information:


Q: What is a supported version of Java?

A: Please see the SPE Java support matrix