Mount failures resulting in CSM creating duplicate MOUNTPOINT's on the database: Example:' threw an unexpected exception: java.lang.NullPointer
Exception: Passed TempSpace object is null. It is not possible to create "Create task directory command".
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Passed TempSpace object is null. It is not possible to create "Create task directory command".
Caused by: An error has occurred while attempting to
mount filesystem CACSM.APLROOT to /PP1/CACSM/V60/cpm. MME0243S - Mount operation error. Operation: mount File system
: CACSM.APLROOT Error code: 121 0xEF096054 EDC5121I Invalid argument.
Error during mount of DSN='CACSM.CAST227' to path='/PP1/CACSM/V60/cpm/scroot/DatabaseM/cars', options='', FS type='ZFS', mount parameters='aggrgrow'
Release : 6.0
Component : Chorus Software Manager
These mount failures such as Error code: 121 0xEF096054 EDC5121I Invalid argument can result in the file system already being mounted at an incorrect mount point.
The first file system that should be mounted for CSM at startup is hlq.APLROOT, then the hlq.CASTnnnn file system for /cars and hlq.LJWK for /ljroot/ljwk etc. For example if hlq.LJWK is mounted first without hlq.APLROOT being mounted will cause these mount failures. CSM will also create duplicate MOUNTPOINT entries on the database.
To verify that the files are being mounted correctly, shutdown CSM (just the MSMTC startup ) with 'unmount at shutdown' selected under mountpoint management, check in ishell and this is what you should see:
EUID=0 /parentpath/mpm/
Type Filename
_ Dir .
_ Dir ..
If directories such as scroot or ljroot are listed then they are not being mounted in the correct sequence. CSM should be allowed control the mounting and unmounting of these file systems. They should not be defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(BPXPRMnn) members or otherwise be manually mounted.