SRM150I Checkpoint table name undefined to Db2 executing Smart/RESTART SRSMONB
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SRM150I Checkpoint table name undefined to Db2 executing Smart/RESTART SRSMONB


Article ID: 216941


Updated On:


Smart Restart


Executing SRSMONB to invoke Smart/MONITOR and encountering message SRM150I:

                             DB2 Related Parameters                       
Command ===>                                                              
SRM150I Checkpoint table name undefined to DB2                            
Smart/RESTART Checkpoint Synchronization Table                            
   Owner ID  . . . . . SJS                                                
   DB2 Table Name  . . SJS.CKPT_SYNCH                                     
   Row Retention Period                                                   
      Expiration . . . . . . 0   (Days)                                   
      Action upon expiration D   (Archive/Delete)                         
      Confirm Action . . . . Y   (Y/N - Archive or Delete)                
DB2 environment parameters                                                
   DB2 Subsystem . . . ssid     (with which to connect    )               
   DB2 plan name . . . DCAxxxxC (for Smart/MONITOR session)               
   RLX SQL load module RLXSQL   (associated with appl plan)               
   COMMIT request  . . Y        (Y/N - after every display)     


Validate that the "qualifier    =" value within the SRSMONB exec is set to the correct CKPT_SYNCH table creator/owner
that was created during Smart/RESTART installation.