Hi Team,
Unable to start the AE services due to the below error.
We have the below library file already in the $ORACLE_HOME/lib, however unable to start the AE services.
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_I_40275 Log Rollover level set to <MIDNIGHT,SIZE(100),PURGE(7)>.
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_I_40244 EnableIPCaching value set to <1>.
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_I_40244 AggregateStatistics value set to <1>.
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_I_10655 System is running in single server mode. Event server: XXXX.
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_E_18409 Unable to load Oracle client libraries <libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory>
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_E_18411 OCIEnvCreate() failed.
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_E_10013 Failed to load DRM shared library.
[06/08/2021 15:01:19] CAUAJM_I_40248 AutoSys scheduler shutdown complete. Exiting.
Autosys 12.X
The permission was set to 700 for all of the Oracle directories including the lbiclntsh.so file.
Verified that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH included the path to the Oracle lib directory
Needed to change the permissions to the Oracle directories to 755.