Following error message is produced when running command "autorep -J <jobname> -q".
/* ----------------- jobname1 ----------------- */
insert_job: jobname1 job_type: BOX
owner: autosys
date_conditions: 0
description: "jobname1"
alarm_if_fail: 1
group: GRP1
/*CAUAJM_E_18416 Event Server: <SERVER1> Failed Query: <SELECT a.as_group, a.job_name, a.job_type, a.service_desk, a.send_notification, a.mach_name, a.n_retrys, a.has_resource, a.owner, a.permission, a.as_applic, a.job_name, a.box_terminator, a.has_condition, a.description, b.run_window, b.term_run_time, b.run_calendar, b.timezone, b.start_mins, b.priority, b.start_times, b.alarm_if_fail, b.auto_delete, b.auto_hold, b.must_start, b.must_complete, b.min_run_alarm, b.max_run_alarm, b.date_conditions, b.job_load, b.exclude_calendar, b.days_of_week, c.ulimit, c.std_out_file, c.std_in_file, c.std_err_file,, c.interactive, c.heartbeat_interval, c.elevated, c.command, c.chk_files, d.job_class, d.job_terminator, d.max_exit_success, d.profile, e.fail_codes, e.envvars, e.success_codes, f.as_group, f.job_name, f.job_type, f.service_desk, f.send_notification, f.mach_name, f.n_retrys, f.has_resource, f.owner, f.permission, f.as_applic, f.job_name, f.box_terminator, f.has_condition, f.description, g.run_window, g.term_run_time, g.run_calendar, g.timezone, g.start_mins, g.priority, g.start_times, g.alarm_if_fail, g.auto_delete, g.auto_hold, g.must_start, g.must_complete, g.min_run_alarm, g.max_run_alarm, g.date_conditions, g.job_load, g.exclude_calendar, g.days_of_week, h.ulimit, h.std_out_file, h.std_in_file, h.std_err_file,, h.interactive, h.heartbeat_interval, h.elevated, h.command, h.chk_files, i.job_class, i.job_terminator, i.max_exit_success, i.profile, j.fail_codes, j.envvars, j.success_codes FROM ujo_job a LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_sched_info b ON a.joid = b.joid AND a.job_ver = b.job_ver AND a.over_num = b.over_num AND a.seq_num = b.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_command_job c ON a.joid = c.joid AND a.job_ver = c.job_ver AND a.over_num = c.over_num AND a.seq_num = c.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_job d ON a.joid = d.joid AND a.job_ver = d.job_ver AND a.over_num = d.over_num AND a.seq_num = d.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_sched_info e ON a.joid = e.joid AND a.job_ver = e.job_ver AND a.over_num = e.over_num AND a.seq_num = e.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_job f ON a.joid = f.joid AND a.job_ver = f.job_ver AND a.over_num = f.over_num AND a.seq_num = f.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_sched_info g ON a.joid = g.joid AND a.job_ver = g.job_ver AND a.over_num = g.over_num AND a.seq_num = g.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_command_job h ON a.joid = h.joid AND a.job_ver = h.job_ver AND a.over_num = h.over_num AND a.seq_num = h.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_job i ON a.joid = i.joid AND a.job_ver = i.job_ver AND a.over_num = i.over_num AND a.seq_num = i.seq_num LEFT OUTER JOIN ujo_sched_info j ON a.joid = j.joid AND a.job_ver = j.job_ver AND a.over_num = j.over_num AND a.seq_num = j.seq_num WHERE i.joid = 4290 AND i.is_active = 1 AND i.is_currver = 1 ORDER BY a.seq_num ASC NULLS FIRST >
CAUAJM_E_18402 ORA-00904: "B"."SEQ_NUM": invalid identifier
CAUAJM_I_18403 Processing OCI function not used(4)
CAUAJM_E_18400 An error has occurred while interfacing with ORACLE.
CAUAJM_E_18401 Function <doExecute> invoked from <execute> failed <864>
Release : 11.3.6
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
Problem is that job information is corrupted. In order to correct the problem we had to set the job to inactive in the database. Then re-insert the job definition.
1. Query to get the joid and validate the active status
select joid, is_active from aedbadmin.ujo_job where job_name = 'jobname1';
2. set the job to inactive using joid from above sql statement
update aedbadmin.ujo_job set IS_ACTIVE = 0 where joid = nnnnn;
It is recommended to delete and re-insert the job afterwards so that it gets new joid.
The outcome of following SQL statement will produces a list of of jobs that would have the problem:
select joid, job_name, count(*) from ujo_job WHERE is_active = 1 and is_currver = 1 group by joid, job_name having count(*) > 1;
If no rows are given, then the table is fine.
If it returns a jobname, then you would need to run following SQL statement
select joid, job_name, job_ver, is_active, is_currver from ujo_job where job_name='<job_name>' order by job_ver desc;