Error: "CA DRAS Server is not available for the security check function"
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Error: "CA DRAS Server is not available for the security check function"


Article ID: 216818


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer CA Output Management Distributed Repository Access System


Getting the following error during login:

 Error: CA DRAS Server is not available for the security check function."

Things worked fine the previous week.

Understand from mainframe team that encryption certs were updated in their end.

Below is the log information from the mainframe team,

CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: SSL function rc = 420 -> 
CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: Socket closed by remote partner
CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: SSL I/O ErrNo = 121 ->
CAS9899E Task 0001 Error: EDC5121I Invalid argument.
CAS9861I Task 0001 closing (
CAS9861I Task 0001 delivered 1 packets, 123 bytes.
CAS9855I Task 0002 has connection from (
CAS9899E Task 0002 Error: SSL function gsk_secure_socket_init
CAS9899E Task 0002 Error: SSL function rc = 420 ->


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Output Management Distributed Repository Access System (DRAS)


The error occurred due to a failing on the SSL handshake:

[https-openssl-nio-443-exec-1] omgmt.drascci.cci.OmCCIInterface.CCIInit: CCI.Init fails with result code: REQUEST_CCI_INIT_FAILURE - Error creating SSL socket for port:pppp.

SSL Handshake Exception during initial handshake

General SSLEngine problem, failure caught during CCI Init Interface for :DRASCLIENT CCI.Init fails with result code: REQUEST_CCI_INIT_FAILURE - Error creating SSL socket for port:pppp.
SSL Handshake Exception during initial handshake - General SSLEngine problem

This was the certificate, for CCI, on the Windows side.
C:\Program Files\CA\CA_OM_Web_Viewer\config\cci.jks

Contact your security people, to let them know that matters fail on the handshake, and that they had to have that keystore on their side.