Custom Large String Plain Text fields are too small to be viewed
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Custom Large String Plain Text fields are too small to be viewed


Article ID: 216796


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Custom Large String plain text attributes are displaying as scrollable fields and the size of the field is very small, making it difficult to view the content

  1. Log in to Classic Clarity
  2. Click on Administrator ->Objects->Project
  3. Create a large plain text attribute. (Ensure that an API Attribute ID is entered)
  4. In the Modern UX go to Administration, then Blueprints
  5. Edit a project Blueprint
  6. Add the newly created attribute in the Properties module, and increase the size of the field to make it larger
  7. Make the Blueprint the default
  8. Open the project properties associated with the blueprint in Modern UX

Expected Results: Large string plain text field should show as the configured size from the Blueprint

Actual Results: Field size is reduced and content shows up in a scrollable box


Release : 15.9.2



Caused by defects DE60586 and DE61390


Resolved in 15.9.3

Additional Information

Previously associated to Defect DE61276