Agent r12 Upgrade on Solaris fails with "No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH environment variable"
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Agent r12 Upgrade on Solaris fails with "No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH environment variable"


Article ID: 216785


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


On Solaris, the Agent does not include a bundled JRE. This must be installed on the Solaris server in advance.

Having installed a JRE and set the JAVA_HOME variable, the install fails with the following error:

"No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH environment variable"

The same error occurs with a silent install, having specified the JRE path in the DJVM_PATH and DJVM_DOT parameters like in this example:

setup.bin -i silent -DACCEPT_EULA=ACCEPT -DAGENT_UPGRADE_FORCE=true -DUPGRADE_ACTIVEJOB_CHECK=false -DAGENT_UPGRADE_PATH=/opt/CA/WA_AGENT -DUSE_BUNDLED_JVM=false -DJVM_PATH=/opt/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -DJVM_DOT=/opt/jdk8u282-b08/jre

The $PATH variable also includes the JRE path:

echo $PATH


Release : 11.5, 12.0

Component : CA Workload Automation System Agent


The Agent upgrade is unable to resolve the JRE path from the $PATH variable due to the order of the paths.


You will need to ensure the JRE path is positioned at the very beginning of your $PATH variable like 

export PATH


export PATH

Remove any duplicate entries from the $PATH variable to ensure the JRE path is only present at the very beginning of the $PATH variable value.

After this, you will be able to upgrade the Agent to 12.0 on Solaris.