A change was performed in Production, deploying a package containing a new version of some Session and Uprocs, causing major problems.
No backup had been taken of the previous version of the Session/Uprocs before doing so.
User would like to restore the Objects to its previous version, how could this be done?
Release : 6.x
Human error: wrong deployment/update of some Objects.
Unfortunately, there is no Version Control in Dollar Universe in area EXP, so you would need to go over one of these options (being the option a:
To do so, please verify that you have a backup containing the file/s of the impacted area that need to be restored as specified in the documentation.
Example of typical Object files:
Then, stop the node, backup the current data files from the impacted area, replace the files by the one/s from the backup and launch a reorganization offline and start the node again.
It is advised to limit the number of Users that can do changes in Production and use a Request for Change process to avoid such kind of problem.