How to restore the previous version of Objects definitions
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How to restore the previous version of Objects definitions


Article ID: 216778


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


A change was performed in Production, deploying a package containing a new version of some Session and Uprocs, causing major problems.

No backup had been taken of the previous version of the Session/Uprocs before doing so.

User would like to restore the Objects to its previous version, how could this be done?


Release : 6.x



Human error: wrong deployment/update of some Objects.


Unfortunately, there is no Version Control in Dollar Universe in area EXP, so you would need to go over one of these options (being the option a:

  1. (Preferred) Deploy the previous version of  the impacted Object (ie. deploy the previous package version, import the XML that contained the previous version of the Object or deploy the object from another node in case it exists)
  2. Restore the file/s containing the Object definitions from a backup taken before doing the changes:

To do so, please verify that you have a backup containing the file/s of the impacted area that need to be restored as specified in the documentation.

Example of typical Object files:

    • Session: u_fmse60.dta
    • Uprocs: u_fupr60.dta and u_frup60.dta  
    • Tasks: u_fmta60.dta and u_fmpl60.dta

Then, stop the node, backup the current data files from the impacted area, replace the files by the one/s from the backup and launch a reorganization offline and start the node again.

Additional Information

It is advised to limit the number of Users that can do changes in Production and use a Request for Change process to avoid such kind of problem.