Timezone mismatch in server date and autosyslog -e in Autosys Primary and Shadow schedulers
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Timezone mismatch in server date and autosyslog -e in Autosys Primary and Shadow schedulers


Article ID: 216587


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


The date from the 'autosyslog -e' log and the actual server date do not match:

The Primary scheduler is detecting timezone as Asia/Kolkata

The Shadow scheduler is detecting timezone as America/New_York

echo $TZ shows TZ is set to Asia/Kolkata in both the servers

ls -l /etc/localtime shows that it is soft linked to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kolkata


Release : 12

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


Verified that the  event_demon environment was set to  TZ=America/New_York 

 ps -ef | grep event_demon

autosys  188701      1  0 Apr14 ?        03:42:15 event_demon -A PRD

# strings /proc/188701/task/188701/environ | grep TZ

Checked the shells scripts in autouser folder

autouser.PRD]# grep -i tz *
autosys.bash.XXXXX:TZ=Asia/Kolkata ; export TZ
autosys.csh.XXXXX:setenv TZ America/New_York
autosys.env.XXXXX:setenv TZ America/New_York
autosys.ksh.XXXXX:TZ=America/New_York ; export TZ
autosys.sh.XXXXX:TZ=America/New_York ; export TZ

The /etc/init.d/waae_sched.PRD  was sourcing  $AUTOUSER/autosys.sh.XXXXX  and only the bash script was updated correctly.

After updating the autosys.sh.XXXXX file the problem was resolved.