I was told previously how to check for a USER PARMLIB. Unfortunately I don't have a User parmlib and RACF prevents me from updating the SITE library.
Libraries 3 Alloc 2 Open 2
Cmd Type Dataset-Name Volser Message
___ SYSTEM HLQ.SV150.CNM4BPRM xxxxxy
LIBVIEW PARMLIB USERCMDS did show me the member in the SITE library (less my change).
So how do I create a USER dataset and copy the USERCMDS member into it so I can manually modify it?
The LIBS command will show you the current USER, SITE, and SYSTEM dataset names for the various parmlibs in that section.
Use the IBM utilities to allocate and populate a new user parmlib.
For the attributes:
Device type . . . . : 3390
Organization . . . : PO
Record format . . . : F
Record length . . . : 6144
Block size . . . . : 6144
It is recommended to check the space usage of any site and/or system parmlibs and making it at least the size of the biggest one if all members are to be copied over. If not copying everything, then it could be smaller.
To add a user defined parmlib, enter command PROF GENERAL, select the Miscellaneous section, and scroll toward the bottom to 'PARM LIBRARY DATASET NAME' Overtype the new user parmlib into the Value column and hit enter.
Verify this by doing the LIBS command, and the resulting display should show the new user defined dataset, where it can be selected and edited accordingly.