Increase Size Top Secret Audit Tracking File
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Increase Size Top Secret Audit Tracking File


Article ID: 216308


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Top Secret


Currently, the system is running with 1 Audit & Tracking File (ATF), which frequently wraps. What is the procedure to increase the size of the ATF?


Release : ALL

Component : Top Secret for z/OS


If you are not going to use 2 audit files: To enlarge the audit file, you have to allocate a new one via the following:

1. Run TSSMAINA and specify a larger number of BLOCKS= than the number of blocks on the current audit file. If you use 2 audit files, run TSSMAINA twice (once with ID=AUDIT and again with ID=AUDIT2).
2. Specify the new audit file in your Top Secret proc or rename the old/new file. 
3. Do a temporary shutdown and restart of Top Secret.

There is sample jcl for this job in member TSSMAINA in the TSS r16 CAKOJCL0 library. See also:

Create the Audit/Tracking File

It is possible in Top Secret to use 2 audit files so that when one wraps, it switches to the other one to write the records. You will still get the TSS9208I AUDIT/TRACKING FILE, AUDIT, AT LEAST 90% FULL message when the active file hits 90% full, but instead of getting the TSS9209I message saying the file has wrapped, you will get: TSS9203I SWITCHED TO AUDIT/TRACKING OUTPUT FILE dddddddd to indicate the switch has occurred.