Unable to connect UIM to DX OI. The apm_bridge configuration through probe utility seems to be missing fields for OC and AC.
Release : 20.3
Component : UIM - OI_CONNECTOR
- apm_bridge and DX OI configuration
Configuring the apm_bridge to work with the oi_connector for DX OI SaaS
Configure apm_bridge
- UIM 20.3.3
- OI in SaaS environment
- apm_bridge 1.04HF2
- The probes can be deployed on the Primary hub or a child robot of the Primary
Please refer to the Compatibility Matrix:
Enter the host:
Enter the port: 443
Enter the ‘token’
Obtain the ingestion token from DX SaaS UI Sign In page, e.g.,
Go to the page:
Enter your Tenant ID
Enter the DX SaaS Username and password to Sign In.
On the left hand side of the page,
Click Settings-> then Click Connector parameters.
Under the Token section-> Ingestion Token click “Generate New Token”
Click Copy and Save it to a place.
Then go back to the Admin Console and enter (paste in) the token string.
Set useSsl to true
Enter the port: 443
Enter the origin: <origin_value>
Click the green arrow to save it.
Then, under the Command section, click configure_uimapi_endpoint
Login with the administrator account and password.
Try the url:
http://<Operator Console>/uimapi
http(s)://<Operator Console>:443>/uimapi/docs/index.html
User: administrator
port: 443
password: <administrator_pwd>
host: <Operator Console_hostname>
useSsl: true
Select and configure uim endpoint now that you have the info.
Click the green arrow to save it.
Deactivate the apm_bridge probe.
Delete apm_bridge.log
Activate apm_bridge
Recheck apm_bridge.log for any errors.
Shown below is an example of a good apm_bridge startup with no errors:
Configure DX OI
Check your DX OI page
Navigate to the DX OI web interface, e.g., at:
Then click "OPEN" under DX Operational Intelligence.
Then click Performance.
Then click Entity (the 3 dots to the right of Entity)
In the filter, type UIM and you will see -> "Source: UIM" and select it. You will see the Entity Names (UIM hosts/devices)
Then click "Done" on the top left side of the page.
Next Click->’Services’
Then click the 3 dots on the right side of the page
Then select “Create a Service.”
Trainings/YouTube videos for DX OI
DX OI integration : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLynEdQRJawmzPUlRsE07wibObVR4R9_3L
DX APM : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLynEdQRJawmyo3BPtHwktb5G2InPa7gMF
AXA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-c0e4NiUgE&list=PLynEdQRJawmyYyuacvctTh-hIVDcCjLjD&index=9
DX NetOps : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLynEdQRJawmw2wb-7NevTw25xU-UN9iwp