How can users export the calendars and other artifacts in DE (ESP dSeries Workload Automation)?
Release : 12.x
Component : Workload Automation DE
Use the "imexutil" utility to export or backup the artifacts (applications, events, agents, JavaScripts etc.)
The "imexutil" utility is installed <DE_install>/bin
Example :
cd /opt/CA/DE_R12/bin
/ -h <server host> -p 7500 -u <user> -w <password> -c 'exportagent -outdir /opt/####/####'
cd C:\Program Files\CA\WorkloadAutomation_R12_2\bin
imexutil.bat -h <serverhostname> -p 7500 -u <userid> -w <password> -c "exportapplication -outdir c:\backup\application"
NOTE: Put in actual schedmaster password after -w in above command. Create the output directory for each artifact before exporting.
For each artifact, append artifact type with export:
and so on.
The above command can be put in a script and executed as a job from dSeries
Create a file with all the export commands (commands.txt):
(Change second sechemaster in first line with actual password)
user schedmaster schedmaster
exportapplication -outdir /opt/backup/application
exportcalendar -outdir /opt/backup/calendars
exportagent -outdir /opt/CA/backup/agent
exportagentgrp -outdir /opt/backup/agentgrp
exportalert -outdir /opt/backup/alert
exportconnectionprofile -outdir /opt/backup/connectionprofile
exportalert -outdir /opt/backup/event
exportgroup -outdir /opt/backup/group
exportjavascript -outdir /opt/backup/javascript
exportreportdesign -outdir /opt/backup/reportdesign
exportresource -outdir /opt/backup/resource
exportsecurityprofile -outdir /opt/backup/securityprofile
exportvarctx -outdir /opt/backup/varctx
Next setup a job in DE, specify default Agent. Agent that installs on DE server.
Schedule the job to run as per requirements.
See this link for more details.