Univiewer Console startup takes very long time ( a couple of minutes), before login screen is displayed.
This is usually observed on Servers having Network Printers or Citrix environments.
Release : 6.x
Component : Dollar Universe
Sub-Component: Univiewer Console
Root cause is not on Dollar Universe side but on basic Java method.
With trace on UVC we can see that a deserialization process needs a lot of time.
17:15:26,118|TRACE||main|com.orsyp.kmeleon.KmeleonStartUp|Start Deserialization|
17:15:26,119|DEBUG||main|com.orsyp.kmeleon.guibuilder.util.RepositoryUtil|Try to deserialize the repository...|
17:15:29,680|INFO||BackgroundWorker-1|com.orsyp.kmeleon.util.printer.LoadPrinterSettings|Printer settings loaded.|
17:17:59,425|DEBUG||main|com.orsyp.kmeleon.guibuilder.util.RepositoryUtil|Repository was deserialized with success.|
17:17:59,426|TRACE||main|com.orsyp.kmeleon.KmeleonStartUp|End Deserialization|
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available where an optimized mechanism has been implemented.
Fix version(s):
Component: Univiewer.Console .
Dollar Universe 6.10.81 - Available
In order to enable the traces please do the following:
1. Backup the current file and then edit the file /mgr/log4j.xml
Replace on the line 42 the following:
<level value="INFO"/>
<level value="TRACE"/>
2. Rename as well the current univiewer.log which is on the folder c:\users\youruser\univiewer_console\logs
3. Then launch the Univiewer Console and check the univiewer.log after the login screen has appeared.
4. We should be able to identify which operation is slower, usually it is the deserialization function.