Submit Time and Start Time occasionally show a difference in the two values
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Submit Time and Start Time occasionally show a difference in the two values


Article ID: 216153


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Jobtrac shows the Submit Time and the Start Time for the specific instance that was executed.  It appears that in some cases there can be a difference in these two values.



Release : 11.0

Component : JOBTRAC


Submit  time indicates the actual time and date at which Jobtrac submitted  the event (job).                                                          
 Start  time indicates the actual time and date at which the event (job) began  executing. 

A job's Submit Time and Start Time can  be impacted by the use of the exclusion table in Jobtrac.

If a job (JOBA) is submitted and is unable to start execution because it is awaiting completion of another job (JOBB) that it is mutually excluded with then the Start Time will show as the time the waiting job (JOBA) eventually is able to start executing.   If the job is submitted and is unable to start until the completion of the job(s) it is awaiting completion of then the start time will show as the time the job is eventually able to start executing.

As always, please contact Broadcom support for  Jobtrac Job Management if you have further questions.